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Lincoln Parliamentary Research Centre

Engaging with Parliaments in the UK and Beyond

The 红杏影院 has a record of undertaking research into policy, parliaments and other key political institutions. It also seeks to build upon this to ensure that research informs teaching and the wider experiences of students at all levels.

The overall aim of the Lincoln Parliamentary Research Centre (ParliLinc) is to establish Lincoln as a recognised centre of excellence for research and teaching in parliamentary and legislative studies. It has five broad aims designed to enhance research, facilitate impact, and promote engagement with parliaments and legislatures in the UK and beyond:

  • Provide a focus for research on parliaments and legislatures within the School, College, and wider University community – with the aim of increasing the number and quality of research outputs and research income
  • Respond to opportunities for generating impact through the submission of evidence to parliamentary inquiries and the identification and dissemination of opportunities for impact more broadly within the School, College and wider University
  • Facilitate closer links between the University, parliaments and parliamentarians, and use those networks to provide support for research projects, impact and funding
  • Provide an external face for research and scholarly activity relating to parliament at Lincoln, including by facilitating and responding to media interest in this area
  • Support the delivery and development of research engaged teaching about legislatures at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. 

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Our research supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which are an urgent call for action to tackle some of the world's most pressing problems, now and into the future.

Key Research Themes

ParliLinc Blog

The Parlilinc blog features information about forthcoming events, new research, policy briefings, and tweets by members of the Lincoln Parliamentary Research Centre.

Houses of Parliament in London